Thursday, April 8, 2010

planned parenthood admits abortion “kills”

I’ve run across similar Planned Parenthood pamphlets before, but I was again reminded of such a few weeks ago when Bryan Kemper blogged about it.

Above, Planned Parenthood pamphlet, (zoomed in below).
Yes, in a 1952 informational brochure about contraception, Planned Parenthood was honest in at least revealing abortion to be what it is: killing. I do not know how Planned Parenthood now gets away with lying to the public about abortion. The unborn are suffering greatly from these lies and so are women.

Sadly enough, on Planned Parenthood’s website now, they claim “abortion procedures are very safe.” Well, it is definitely not safe for the children, and certainly harmful to the women, in more ways than just one, (click here to read more about the ways in which abortion hurts women, an article by an ex pro-choicer which I strongly recommend).

One problem facing the pro-life movement today is that to be feminist is to be pro-choice. As Erika Bachiochi explains in the article I have linked above, the feminist movement proclaims “[i]f you want to stand for women’s progress, the line goes, then you have to stand for abortion.” However, true feminism embraces womanhood and all this entails, including pregnancy. “While these pioneering feminists endured the painstaking fight to change male-dominated political and economic institutions, the ‘pro-choice’ feminists of the 1970s and today instead sought to change the very nature of women, convincing many of them that, if they’re to be equal to men, they must simply become like men,” Bachiochi says. This feminism of our day is a sick form of sexism disguised under the name of women. Susan B. Anthony was the most feminist of us all, and she was pro-life. Why is that connection now so foreign to modern perception? If you want to stand for women's progress, you must not stand for abortion. Real feminists protect motherhood. Real feminists fight for the justice of the unborn. Real feminists are pro-life.

In the time it has taken you to read this blogpost (approximately 90 seconds), more than three babies were aborted in the United States.[i]

Pro-woman. Pro-life.

[i] According to 2005 statistics from the Guttmacher Institute.


  1. GREAT POST, liz. you could not be more spot on. i am with you: pro-woman, pro-life!

  2. ! Though it could be argued that certain contraception techniques are also similar to abortion...

  3. Good point, Ben. I would even argue that the techniques you are possibly speaking of are not similar to abortion, but are indeed abortions.

    In fact, on Planned Parenthood's site, they say the following: "In theory, this could prevent pregnancy by keeping a fertilized egg from attaching to the uterus. You might have also heard that the morning after pill causes an abortion. But that's not true. The morning after pill is not the abortion pill. Emergency contraception is birth control, not abortion."

    However, if this does indeed occur, an abortion has UNDOUBTEDLY taken place. The egg has already been fertilized, thus a new life has been created. Planned parenthood gets away with saying such a situation isn't an abortion because they claim elsewhere on their website that "Pregnancy begins when a fertilized egg implants in the uterus." They are telling us that before the egg implants into the uterine lining the woman isn't pregnant. Well, my question is what is she? They are up against a lot of science here.

    Furthermore, even when contraception techniques are used and do not cause abortions directly, the link between contraception and abortion is clear. See below for more...

    Go here to read Catherine's blog about the contraception/abortion link:

    Go here to read a First Things article on why contraception cannot be made out to be a pro-life/pro-choice common ground:
