Wednesday, August 11, 2010

nothing is lacking

I do apologize for my lack of internet presence these past two months. It is near impossible to keep up with these things while at camp. Know that it was a successful and amazing summer full of love and learning. But, more on that later…

Currently, I am working on some final postings on my travels. I am super excited to share them, but as I was looking through photographs of my time abroad, I came across a picture that I wanted to post immediately as it reminds me of beauty’s convincing power. The photo shows part of a sculpture that sits in front of the Design Museum in London.

“Though human genius in its various inventions with various instruments may answer the same end, it will never find an invention more beautiful or more simple or direct than nature because in her inventions nothing is lacking and nothing superfluous.” –Leonardo Da Vinci

I beg you to take an honest look around. Examine the clouds in the sky, the sun and the stars, the tree in your front yard, the spider forming a web, the mother and child shopping near you at the grocery store. As Thomas Dubay has said, “beauty does convince if only we give it a chance by receptivity and goodwill.”