Tuesday, October 6, 2009

obama, livestrong, awful music: is there any bandwagon we won’t jump on?

People leave all sorts of things “at the door” — problems, emotions, baggage, shoes, etc. But, when you go see No Sunlite For The Media play live, you will leave partially explained NSFTM stories to perplexed friends at home, crappy radio music in the car at all costs (probably 99.5 if yr from D.C.) and sanity at the door (possibly yr clothes, too).

NSFTM recently released “Psalms from a Dungeon,” their second vinyl record to date, and since it was also around Horne cousins Matthew and Joshua’s 23rd birthdays, it was time to celebrate. But not with Natty Light, sexy miniskirts or Poker Faces, but with Goldschläger, N.E.S. (leave yr Wii in yr preppy dorm room please), and anti popo but pro papa tunes.

Josh and Chelsie take a look at the new NSFTM vinyl, "Psalms from a Dungeon." For a full track listing and more info, check out nsftm.

At the party, NSFTM and company headed into the Dungeon to play live songs from every era of No Sunlite and to put on their new record while people danced with wild abandon. There is nothing like dancing to NSFTM while they play live. There is no party, concert, picnic, campout, visit to the moon, or otherwise that could live up to the intimacy, intensity, sweat, rawness, dancing, energy, sweat, low fidelity, and did I mention sweat, that pulsed through the walls of the Dungeon that Saturday night.

For some bizarre reason, it has become acceptable to answer the question “what kind of music do you like?” with “anything but country,” or “anything (even country!?), but not rap.” All of a sudden our iTunes minded selves grab all the music we can from anyone we’ve ever met without the slightest regard for criticism.

So here it is folks… The Jonas Brothers are cheesy. Lady Gaga does not create sincere art. Fall Out Boy just plain sucks (in addition to contributing to the culture of death). Green Day straight up sold out. And, don’t even start on the failures of the Christian rock world. NSFTM’s presence alone is the perfect music critique.

Math can't go wrong in the Dungeon with a harmonica, MLR shirt and a sweet dance move. NSFTM's next gig is Friday, October 16, 2009 @ 8pm @ the Record and Tape Exchange in Fairfax Virginia: 9448 Main Street.

C.S. Lewis said “in literature and art, no man who bothers about originality will ever be original: whereas if you simply try to tell the truth (without caring twopence how often it has been told before) you will, nine times out of ten, become original without ever having noticed it.” NSFTM succeeds at this, and they are the most legitimate band I know.

So, instead of saying you love everything you hear, I want to start witnessing people announcing they like NOTHING, except No Sunlite For The Media.

my bad

Hey guys! I am sorry that I have not kept up with blogging in the recent months. The end of the spring semester ran into summer and working at camp, which then became the new semester! But, I’ve gotten my act back together and will most certainly be blogging again this fall. Look out for a new post later today or tomorrow!

In the meantime, keep in mind that “we walk by faith, not by sight.” -- 2 Corinthians 5:7
