Wednesday, February 24, 2010


There are many things that delight: getting a letter in the mail, acing an exam without studying, running a PR. But, above delightful things, there are the uncompromisingly wonderful things, like the piece of news you receive and just can’t stop thinking about.

Well, about two weeks ago, I learned the sex of my brother’s kid. She is still inside her mother, but we know she is a girl! (And, for the record, her existence has allowed girls to now beat boys in number in my family, finally!!!)

My brother, Math, and his wife, Jana, really stress the importance of considering their child to already be in existence. A baby inside the womb is fully human; she has a beating heart, kicks Jana and, as we now know, has female parts. When a baby is born, Math explained, it isn’t a surprise. There is no “if it is a girl…” People act as if it is such a mystery, Math said, as if the baby growing in them is some foreign thing and then comes out human. However, the baby is one or the other: boy or girl. You just may not have the knowledge yet. As Jana wrote to me, “It’s crazy that we've had a baby girl this whole time, and only God knew it!”

A new ultrasound of my niece, Math & Jana's baby, who has been living and growing for about six months. She will be ready to come out and see the world at the end of May.

So, in full pro-life spirits, Math and Jana decided to discover the sex and name the baby; her name is Lillian, the same as my grandmother’s. Math and Jana are not going to be parents. They are currently Lily's parents. Likewise, I am currently, and have been since her conception, Lily’s aunt. All that has changed now is we can pray for Lily by name.

Math & Jana sporting some sweet homemade sweatshirts they made during the snowstorms as they are the proud parents of Lily, (see the above ultrasound). They decided to name her as soon as they found out her sex, showing that Lily is a person even if she hasn't been born yet.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I personally love all babies and children and think that they have a right to this world. Just because the parents may not be able to own up to their "mistake" doesnt mean that they have right to kill their child. If you have sex there is a chance that you can get pregnant. Its no big mystery.

    Liz- I am SO happy that you are becoming an aunt to a beautiful Catholic baby girl! I love that Catholics and other people decide to let God decide when and how many children they are going to have!

    Love, Betty

  3. As Jana wrote to me, “It’s crazy that we've had a baby girl this whole time, and only God knew it!”

    :) I love that!

  4. !!!

    Liz!! I am So excited for Math and Jana, and even though I was only dropped in for a little of their lives, I can't wrap my head around how I knew them when they were engaged, and now Lily's in the world!! So Crazy. So Beautiful. So Lovely, in the fullest sense of the world. Anyways. Much love, Many Prayers, and keep having fantastic adventures in Rome (and posting the pictures on facebook)!!


  5. What will you do if the child is born female but self identifies as male? Why would you construct a whole gendered world for the child when you have no idea how it will turn out and what person it will decide to be?

  6. Liz! You aren't hiding a brother so I can marry into your fantastic, pro-life family, are you? This sounds like exactly what I want to do if I have kids -- Why be "surprised" when there's a person that you can be getting to know and love all the better for those few months?

  7. Loved reading this - am so excited at how God is working through Math and Jana - and Lily!!! Beauty!
